About Us imageAbout Us imageAbout Us image

Julia's Well is a non-profit charitable ministry dedicated to helping individuals and families who are struggling to find enough food to eat and clothes to wear. Founded by twin sisters Rae Lloyd and Gay Nelson in 2015, the ministry is named after their mother, Julia Emory.
Julia taught her daughters how to faithfully serve God and to graciously serve humanity. With a heart of love, she compassionately showed the world around her how loving and merciful God is to ALL people. She never grew weary of well doing, and her legacy lives on in the hearts of her children.

Julia's Well currently houses a community free food and clothes pantry located at 
4076 Jolly Road, Ayden, NC 28513 
Open on Thursdays 1:00-3:00pm

We provide clothes and shoes for the whole family including infants, coats in the wintertime, sheets, blankets, linens, small household items and various other wearables (as donations are received).

This is how we love our neighbors.

Our caring volunteers make the workload much easier. We couldn't do it without them! Our financial donors and those who donate food and clothing help to make the ministry far-reaching. 

The ministry is growing daily with new ways to help those in need. The needs are great and constant, but we believe God is too!

Julia's Well is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation and all donations are tax-deductible.
Your kindness and especially your prayers are appreciated!